“ … anyone who is capable of getting themselves made President should on no account be allowed to do the job.”

I wish the late great humourist Douglas Adams were with us here today to rib us more about the nuances of 2022. Oh well, here’s some light and dark to be taken with a pinch:

Non-Rigorous ‘GroupThink’ Vigorously Endorsed & Slyly Enforced

The abstracted effector simplistically named ‘Greenhouse Effect’ (seemingly important if scaled-in globally by measures of globally absorbed sunlight and globally re-radiated light, should such global measuring be rigorous or even possible) is said to be a thing on some planets, such as Earth, that could have long-term consequences. Certainly an odd powerlessness to avoid affecting the material environment seems high in some areas, like repeating Radioctivity Escapes and addictive Atomic Explosion Testing, yet scapegoat slash-and-burn agriculture and black sheep overgrazing, although common enough, are still way behind extreme natural phenomena that occur seasonally in all prone parts of the world. (Despite my years of storm experience I was woken one night at a place famous for bad weather by the hotel structure shaking, banging and screaming during a particularly ferocious tropical storm and flood– which turned out to be about par for that time of year according to the locals.)

Are scientists correct when they talk about ‘Global Climate’ and ‘Global Eco-system’? Can these two things really exist globally in a form that we can mull or are they the result of looking at the Earth as if through the eyes of a distant lifeform, like an observer on Earth looks at Venus? Is there more natural change and adaptivity here than is dreamt of in your observer-biased philosophy?

Starting from the famous words spoken by supreme science genius Albert Einstein “What we do not know is like an ocean: what we do know is like a droplet” it becomes easier to understand the brilliant Richard Feynman’s “Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts” and more recently “I would rather have questions that can’t be answered than answers that can’t be questioned”.

They say “People who hurt, hurt people”  – is this true?

If so the Without Exception Freaks were likely all disturbed as children by some form of abuse or degree of abandonment as these are the main reasons for Narcissistic Personality Core Replacement Disorder, which alone can explain their present disturbing behaviours and anti-human progress.

In adulthood a Narc’s pains include inner rage at someone else’s success, simmering hatred, jealousy, envy, possessiveness, fear of abandonment (which can be so severe that it is the psychological root-cause of life-long serial infidelity) and a vampirical hunger felt in the gap left by evacuating their loss-laden self and replacing it with a world-beating synthetic persona wrapped around a cunning core. They wage a perpetual war for control of all around them by any means, overt or covert, and their hurt triggers punishments or vengeance. Somewhat illogically, even if you do well by them your downfall makes them feel better about themselves whether you are their servant, their boss or their taken-advantage-of and traumatised life partner. Differing greatly from each other on the surface, but the same underneath, the scope of their disloyalties corruptions and pretenses is breathtaking – a hole where there should be a soul.

(For further definition, see the post All The Top Placeholders: This Is Not Self Love )

If only Society could be aware that we are all fools once compared with supra-intelligent God and to welcome our human shortcomings, failings and failures in a light and gracious way as these are stepping-stones, teachings for us to adapt by and subsequently reach the truest greatness through the greatest truth.

Has it struck you as odd that all Covid Response Commentators have felt safe to parrot “These vaccines should be concentrated upon the groups most at risk especially the elderly”? This is, I suppose, an easy argument yet are not the elders generally also the ones most at risk to suffer later on from any load-bearing interventions of their bodies?

The idea that a record of Death From Vaccination should be signed only if the death is 3 weeks or more after the ‘jab’, seems an obfuscating and fallacious form of financial immunity, a clause written by a legal mind not a medical one.

As at October 2022, ‘Covid vaccination death and injury’ is still viewed by some as a mockable motto despite that Governments have long accepted these factual eventualities. Are the vaccine injury/death deniers so stupid that they think everybody apart from them is stupid, so willful that they see their will as overriding others’ better informations, so solipsistic that their ‘gifted insight’ is the only valid one? The hubris of Narcissism? Or professionally delivered disinformation?

At the risk of repeating another inconvenient truth, the Kerry Mullis-invented PCR Test,

“ … doesn’t tell that you are sick. These tests cannot detect free infectious viruses at all” said Kerry Mullis.

The Hippocratic Oath address is now feathered with politics in the USA:

We, the students of the University of Minnesota Medical School, a state funded institution located on Anishinaabe (Ah-nish-ah-nah-bay) and Dakota land, recognize the privilege that this white coat represents and hereby swear to uphold the following oath as a community of physicians:

The oath has been composed by the class, typically it reflects core elements, values, and ethics the class aspires to uphold, explains Media Relations Manager Kat Dodge.

The following is directly from the soundtrack of a video that is most certainly true (yet with Deepfakes/sound-synchs being such artforms these days, absolute sight’n’sound authentication is now fading fast).

Principal Pledger “We the students of the Unversity of Minnesota Twin Cities Medical Class of 2026 (after pausing for the pledgees to affirm, this Hiero-Confessor Professor continues) we commit to uprooting the legacy and perpetuation of structural violence deeply embedded within the health-care-system (uniform chanting, heads bowed) we recognize inequities built by past and present traumas rooted in White Supremacy, Colonialism, the Gender Binary, Ableism and all forms of oppression. We pledge to honour all indigenous ways of healing …”

An interesting integration of ‘Chinese medicine’ and ‘Medical Science’ occurred in Ho Chi Minh City decades ago when two such schools combined, with all students then obliged to study both subjects.

It is three decades now since my visit to a sincere charitable group in San Francisco made an indelible mark on me. My white host was boundless in his empathy for the black kids we met who were definitely disadvantaged and obviously oppressed by society. Some who came with us to a restaurant shyly refused my request to take their hats off because they said their nappy hair was too ugly to be seen by the (all white) diners there.

The seemingly crass legal decision to withhold social security unemployment benefits from men after only one year in tandem with the cessation of any other benefits for attaching mothers and children meant that wives in SF had thrown their unemployed husbands out on the streets to keep their benefit safe. A political scheme to destroy disadvantaged black families, communities and individuals could not have worked better.

One young runt who kept causing the other black kids trouble on a fun trip to the mountains was picked up by my friend and turned upside down, in a teasing way, and two regular guns fell to the ground – one from each trouser pocket.

At Juvenile Hall I heard a pregnant wife give a soulful address to black kids: her handsome husband had just been shot dead because he had quit a crack cocaine gang, refusing to return. (Instantly addictive recreation drug, sold by black turf gangs to white users in order to finance weapons purchases.) Heroically she exhorted them to leave their gangs no matter what.

Spots in America may still be sick turf but do they or we really need another generation of politically motivated medicos? Wasn’t the ‘first-do-no-harm’ Hippocratic medical  culture cancelled by enforceable orders from Covid’s Public Health Supremos? And what about hospital triage? In the future will Emergency Code Red indicate a seriously injured indigenous non-binary who might yet qualify for proxy voting?

As early as 2015, the Eco-Health Alliance’s boss Peter Daszak had spoke of “a pan-coronavirus vaccine”

“We need to increase public understanding of the need for medical countermeasures, such as a pan-coronavirus vaccine.

“A key driver is the media and the economics will follow that hype.

“We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues.

“Investors will respond if they see profit at the end of the process.”

(stored at the National Academies of Press for February 12, 2016. See peterdaszak.com for a biased insight into this CCP connected mover-and-shaker who is sent money by the USNIH to this day. See also ‘Pentagon gave millions to EcoHealth Alliance for weapons research program‘)

Some learned minds have said that the intention was to bring in a push-comes-to-shove contrived vaccination regime to neutralize our natural immune system and install engineered mRNA in its place. Seriously though, why do that?

RESET = Rigorously Endorsed & Socially Enforced Totalitarianism

The eagerly awaited second decade of the Twenty-First Century has been muffled muzzled and misled but it is still with us at our optimistic side, waiting patiently to feel joyful abundant and free. Meanwhile it seems your Rights are being taken from you, which is an express wrongdoing under the Conspiracy Laws.

Law does not require a conspiracy to be hidden. Out-in-the-open conspiring to commit a legal wrong or freely promoting that agreed intention should be good for an easy conspiracy prosecution.

People, the Law is on your side if not the pressgang enforcers-at-large. And yet they know well who to follow, and when, if you should determinedly push-pull the whole rabid caboodle onto the field of justice. If that is not your scene, seek spiritual communion with what dwells within your reach inside of you. In my consistent and loving experience this will be supportive, all-knowing, and can never be taken away from you.

Margaret “Planned Parenthood” Sanger on “human weeds”

“Birth Control is … the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks–those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.”

Julian Huxley: Population Control, Eugenics, and Birth Control all part of the same Program

“Compulsory or semi-compulsory vaccination, inoculation and isolation are used in respect of many public health risks: I see no reason why similar measures should not be used in respect of this grave problem …”

Are those billion-dollar social programmers currently called ‘Planned Parenthood’ planning something new or just bluffing?

“If all we do as an organization is pay for abortions for low-income people, we are eugenicists,” Ms. Reyes said. “That is not transformational work. That is slapping a Band-Aid on a huge problem.”

An existential ‘Band-Aid’? Whatever next?



~ by nigelraymondofford on October 31, 2022.

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