Globalist craftsman Denis Healey engineered the once mighty UK’s cap-in-hand subservient approach to insincere moneylending fixers. Which treacherous politician will try the same towards world hoax opportunists?

If universe wants it I am ready to receive happily the gracious global guide and purpose-sharing partner who may be due to materialize in my life so that we can go further in communicating specific spiritual skills of universal influence. Hopefully we will recognize each other.

This is also apposite, in a sense, to the Earthly struggle against an inhumane and deluded world order. Meantime I just created fitfully some fun moments while waiting hesitantly on divine timing: I do apologize, of course, if pure recall of Shakespearean language is to your finesse. I am not a Shakespeare scholar, nor an entrenched linguist. This is for fun.


(Thye funne folley-o)

by NigelRaymondOfford

O, who canst hold a fire ant in his hand
By thinking ‘pon yon frost conduction block?
Destroy the fungii edge of lager lite          
By beer-envisioned anti-matter yeast?
Or wallow naked in Degrees too few
Methinks by dreams of Methane (and CO2)
God’s Ruth! The apprehension of the blessed
Gives but a greater feeling to the cursed:
Felt sorrow’s truth did never snaggle more,
Nay, cheap cures wouldeth workèd welle
Save the Lancet, ay, a’kept the score.

Thus conch shells do make cowherds of us all;
As flush with naiive Hugh’s solution
I cycled o’er with dial cast at nought,
In hand to enter privies of great pithy moment:
Within a yard my current turns awry
And looses a shameful caption. Slow you now!
Unfair a failure! ‘Nuff! On dry horizons
All my stains be tempered.

There is a toad within the tares of fen which, taken on the flood, reeds undo forestrewing. Admitted full the voyager of life bounds in shallows and higher seas. On such false gravity art seen prow of boat And heavest great the current where it swerves, for canoes avow aventure.

Some abhor fate, some a’grieve fatedness, and some have feyness thrust up at them. Your fight awaits you. Accept it embodied spirit. To use you the knife, you’ll most likely see bleeding wounds yet head off your foe’cast rippings.

If these shared hoes have upended,
Heed but this and be transcended:
That while your head but slumbers here,
Those vile of visage disappear
Fay Pan this weekend’s bridal scheme,
Dost play out much like butt’ry cream,
Gentiles pray ye comprehend,
Circular decisions mend.

Re-plate me, no, you importune it.
My dentures are but in one bottom rusted.

Nascar I won apace, no less my holed-ace spate
Begone thee poor lune of this crescive leer,
‘Ere-to-fore my perchant dice maketh me nod sad.

‘Tis Heineken the manner of his gait
Hi’cup rises from below: Sprite shandy fizz
In carbonation updraughts whim from mirth.

Fresh remains compostmen, lend me your biers;
I come to bury St. Edmund, not to tonse trim.
The evil Kathmandu lives after him
Their gods are of the words writ on hot stones;
So let it be, widow Edmund, which nobbly brutess
Hath told you Edmund lacked reaction:
If it were, so, it was a Jesus fault,
As endlessly hath Edmund answer’d back.

Here, under leave of Widow Banshee
and the rest – For that brute has an horrible meanstreak;
(aside) So are they all, all horribly mean –
Come I to speak in saintly Edmund’s funeral.
He was my friend, reliable as rust to me:
But that brute says he was pernicious;
And that beast is horrible mean.
She hath inbrought many weak men home-from-home to’t,
Those random guests did the household coffers fill:
Did seething Edmund beam suspicious?
When that the sore wept,
Edmund introspective kept:
Sainthoodery’s intention hast never been made of sterner stuff:

Thrice was imposed on him a regal ruff,
Which he did thrice refuse: lacks that determination?

Yet the brute-beam says he lacked reaction;
And for sure she is one horribly mean.
I speak not only to disprove what brute-butt spake,
But here I am to speak what I do know.
You all once outed love at her, without fair cause:
What cause embolds you now not mourn for him?
O judge thee bent! Thou art wed to buttressed breasts,
And many have tossed their season. Bear with me;
My train of thought is in sainted Edmund’s offing withal,
And I must pause till it come back to me.

(Boo! Boo!)


EXEUNT  followed by a bear


Then Troubleus shoe-horned hath too much:
If she do rôle him over, ‘this inspection is livelier than this’; having collar and cuff, and the other briar, it’s too exclaiming an appraisal for a goatherd collection.

I would’st willing so believe Helen’s bold betongue command Troubleus wear a copper hose.

(historical note: ‘ol’ Copper Hose’ was Elizabethan miming slang for star chamber crooner Orgillous Flumbardyng, the Archivist formally known as Prince)


Summons ever seem to blow cold. Always actions in tort, always ready to co-opt new fears, they are ever chargeable with formalism. Satisfied, whenever discharged, settled, wherever settlement, they always employ the best of legalese and thirst to fine by the test of ‘what-ill-be’.

Love all. Percuss anew. Ping-pong is great fun.


NigelRaymondOfford©2023 (first published 5th June) 


Suspect Sources

O who can hold a fire …

Richard II

Thus conscience …


There is a tide …

Julius Caesar

… some men are born great …

Twelfth Night

If we shadows have offended …

A Midsummer’s Night Dream

Believe me, no …

The Merchant of Venice

‘Tis he, I ken …

Troillus & Cressida

Friends, Romans …

Julius Caesar

Then Troilus …

Troilus & Cressida

“Some men never seem to grow old. Always active in thought, always ready to adopt new ideas, they are never chargeable with foggyism. Satisfied, yet ever dissatisfied, settled, yet ever unsettled, they always enjoy the best of what is, are the first to find the best of what will be.”

William Shakespeare (d.1616 aged 52)

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to no one.


~ by nigelraymondofford on June 6, 2023.

8 Responses to “Globalist craftsman Denis Healey engineered the once mighty UK’s cap-in-hand subservient approach to insincere moneylending fixers. Which treacherous politician will try the same towards world hoax opportunists?”

  1. Hi Nigel, Thanks for taking the time to thoroughly translate all that you have as well as the insight into what it can mean,
    I have a question regarding the Nostradamundus article “Au Sujet de L’homme Nice”,
    would you consider the subject highlighted to be one and the same with “Ogmios” of the Epistle to the King?
    Also, do you happen to have anything new to add toward the subject?
    Thanks (sorry if this isn’t the best place for this comment.)

    • Hi Daniel, your message is well-received. Yes, probably. We will see in this lifetime, so to speak. My ability to tell the future is limited. I am no Nostradamus. However i do have some successes, for instance I wrote that apparent redshift leading cosmologists to bet the farm on the Universe expanding was assumptive and that there was another cause. The James Webb telescope seems to be confirming this. A decade ago I wrote that R Paul would win in 2024. Another wild guess? We’ll see soon enough. Meantime, please feel free to discuss any topic with me. I am always pleased to be proven right or wrong! N.

      • I also believe that we are living in the time of the uncrowned king, I connect the “1999” of Quatrain X 72 to him, envisioning that it is referent to his birth or perhaps the time around his birth, also connecting the “500 years” of Quatrain III 94 to him which would make his age being around 56 in 2055, getting closer to what would be the time he is mostly considered in. This also going along with the “seventh earthly millennium” of the Epistle to the King, (if you consider the belief of the date of creation as some religions to be around 5000 BC). Using such dates to your advantage you could look forward to some certain events in a given time.

        In this topic my main curiosity sits on the question of how it will occur. It’s thoroughly stated what happens in his old age, yet how does this person come to be? I’m sure it is foolish to bother questioning that part of the prophecy when it is an arguably unimportant part of the story, but still I would prefer to understand, if possible, the means in which they move into their more important age. I have my theories, yet I am lost, of all of this most notably on how an individual put into isolation out of his control, especially in their youth, can escape it to a point where they are eventually known to the world. Daniel

      • Glad to continue this conversation. How are you doing? Blueview2 is a published photo’s title. Are you connected with photography in some way, Daniel?
        Your ideas, first para, are certainly arguable ‘though I do not feel so sure as you possibly may.
        Second para, I guess there is a reason we cannot yet grasp as to why this person could be getting on in years. I think you’re right that a hermit existence has led to some kind of enlightenment and yet that would not normally lead to geopolitical influence, just the opposite. Since the Internet/www arrived a speedy development of all ideas is possible. Timing is everything.
        How about airing your theories? I’m very interested in what you think. Chao, Nigel

      • I am currently having trouble with getting started on work, but besides that I am well. How are you? I was unaware of my usernames connection to photography, I chose this one on a whim.

        From the story that can be made out by chosen quatrains and translations I believe certain restrictions are put in place to make out the uncrowned king and their situation. For instance I don’t see them being of a political or religious occupation as these would pigeonhole them and alienate those who may disagree with the chosen religious or political stance in pursuit of attracting the masses, significantly in attracting those in the east. I anticipate that they are more likely to have a career in the entertainment industry or as an entrepreneur, being able to already have amassed an image to the public by the time they are of an older age along with having a further direct outreach to multiple countries. I also think gaining enlightenment in his time spent alone must come from an inquisitive mind, in other words: a creative mind.

        As well, considering the actions that take place in their second half of life I would think that their first half would look similar. I don’t believe something on this scale is a way of life that is only relevant for one part. That’s not to say that incredible things will be occurring in their youth, but more to say that they don’t magically become an end game player. Rather than being the equivalent of a flip of a switch it is more of a never-ending climb upward and that which is present in their future is present in some capacity in their past. With titles such as Monarch and Judge it can be inferred that their role is partially reliant on decision-making on their part. Making the kinds of decisions that are prophesied later on, you can say they would make good decisions earlier in their life too. If they are capable of making successful choices in their job wouldn’t it be more expected of them to come out of the gate swinging? As opposed to going about a more normal and expected manner of getting ahead in their career. I am not firm in belief of these ideas, and am open to conflicting interpretations. Daniel

      • Hey Daniel, I’m caught up in authoritarian hypocrisy at the moment and may have to change country very very soon. Having lived here for thirty years, I have no idea where best to go. Thanks for your considered opinions. Every Age has its ending after which new paradigms prevail and the old ones seem almost risible. Please read my last post in that light. How are you coping with your workload? Creative block is a real thing, by the way. (Burn out, self-doubt vs perfectionism, outside stressors such as we are all experiencing today.) They used to call it waiting for the Muse. Be seeing you. N.

      • I can’t say I cope rather I continue to worry, primarily of time as well as you have said perfectionism. I have the capacity to accomplish my ambitions and yet I start a project and either get nowhere or hit a block. Another problem within that being I need passion, if there is no desire to do something I won’t do it. I am eager to start my next chapter in life and have been for awhile, so long that I have accepted my current situation, but I get lost in every new venture. All the while, I look elsewhere for answers and guidance following to where I am led, (Relevant to how I wound up here.), yet that only leads to searches in new areas. I can understand the known and unknown importance of learning new seemingly random things, but I’ve been ready to move on. No matter my current circumstance I know there is a great future yet my issue stands in that there is no physical evidence of that. Sorry to hear about the troubles in your country, good luck with the potential move. Daniel

      • hi, Daniel. Thanks for yours. I’m busy with basic survival, at the moment. “Be your true authentic self and speak your truth” comes to mind. We we seem similar. Some people are practical. They observe the rules, pick up the ball and run with it. Worldly success. Others are theorists who look at worldly circumstances and decide we are all on the wrong course. They want nothing to do with it. When the wheel turns and the existing rules become obsolete the practical ones have no idea what to do and a theorist appears who knows the new rules. The cycle continues. Unfortunately we have the UN-WEF and billionaires and corporations with bigger dimensions than many countries. Computerised data banks have given them digital power (but the true AI would be analogue, what they are calling AI is digital and not the real deal). So the successful practical people want to seize the future before it turns against them as if they were good theorists. They are very bad theorists, they spout nonsense. The air will clear as the wheel turns. Then you may get your turn on stage. N.

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